Unstoppable Robert Bryczek triumphs over Silas Robson de Oliveira at FEN 39!

2 min readSep 14, 2023


The highly anticipated fight at the FEN 39 event delivered a spectacular bout between fighters Robert Bryczek and Silas Robson de Oliveira. Bryczek, who has earned a reputation not only as a talented MMA athlete but also due to his long-standing partnership with sponsor Geco.one and investment fund Geco Capital, thrilled his fans with a decisive victory.

March 12, 2022, became a day that would forever be etched in the career history of Robert Bryczek. Right from the opening seconds of the fight, it was evident that the athlete was determined to showcase his skills in the best light possible. In just 17 seconds from the start of the match, Bryczek managed to TKO Oliveira with a series of precise strikes, securing the victory.

One cannot forget the impact of Bryczek’s collaboration with Geco.one and Geco Capital on his sporting successes. This long-standing partnership allowed him to focus on training and improving his skills and provided financial stability. Bryczek has repeatedly emphasized that the support from his sponsors played a crucial role in his career.

The co-founder and CEO of Geco.one, Marcin Wituś, issued a statement after Bryczek’s victory: “We are immensely proud of Robert’s achievements. It brings us great joy to be a part of his sporting success. His dedication and determination serve as an inspiration to us all. We continue our partnership and are confident that the future will bring even more success.”

Bryczek also commented on his triumph and his collaboration with Geco.one and Geco Capital: “I dedicate this victory to my fans and partners at Geco.one. Their support is a tremendous motivation for me. We achieve our goals together, and I have many more challenges and fights ahead of me.”

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